Daily I ponder on new concepts and ideas to create long lasting memories with my children. The most inexpensive and by far most beneficial to them has been engaging in Arts & Crafts. This activity only requires time and creativity. I’ve always loved arts and crafts and I discovered that I could enjoy my passion and take initiative to introduce art and creative expression to my children. Not to mention there are a host of benefits, such as…

  • building cognitive skills
  • improving bilateral coordination between the left and right side of the brain
  • accelerated development of the hands and fingers, improving fine motor skills
  • promotes rich social interactions that aide with language skills also social cognitive abilities like understanding emotions

Never feeling like there’s enough hours in one day. I then became challenged with having or making the time needed to invest in Arts & Crafts. So, I then began looking for simple non time consuming crafts to do with the kids. There are so many household items that can be used opposed to going out spending monies on supplies. Below are some links to arts and crafts you all can enjoy from the comfort of home.

“Remember inside every child is a creative voice waiting to be heard

 Kid Friendly Tools – Craft Glue, Tempera Paint, Paintbrushes, Pasta,  Rhinstones, Glue gun    


rainbow streamer                         uckys

“Remember inside every child is a creative voice waiting to be heard”

Have FUN creating…post a pic!!!

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